Thursday, January 15, 2009

A jonas brothers song rocked out to by Cobus

May be the only Jonas brothers song i like. Its awesome but also because of the drum cover.
I heard that curiosity killed the cat, but theres this thing going around the net its called 2 girls 1 cup. Here is a video of a REACTION that 2 guys got while watching the vid (this does not contain the 2girls 1 cup video it only contains 2 guys reacting to watching it)

yeah enjoy and hope ya get curious too

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone's had a wonderful 2008. If not, let's just learn from out mistakes and THEN put our past behind us. Im so looking forward to 2009. With new classmates and new teachers, i wonder how it'll all workout. Grats to Shi Yu for ruining Shawn Beh's first school day of '09. Meh.